perm filename ES.11[AM,DBL] blob sn#693383 filedate 1982-12-27 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	From: Doug Lenat
C00006 ENDMK
From: Doug Lenat
To: Rick Hayes-Roth
cc: Lee Hecht
Subject: Recruiting (esp. for ultimate employment at the JVC)

People to contact, based on participation in the 9/82 ES Workshop
  at Brunel University, London, which I attended


Rational Reconstruction of MYCIN (re-wrote it in POP2)
	PhD student: Ms. J. Cendrowska
	Adviser: Dr. Max A Bramer
	At: The Open University, Milton Keynes, MR7 6AA, England
	(got it done in VERY little time -- competent ES hacker)

ES for data analysis
	Fac member: Dr. Richard O'Keefe
	At: Dept of AI, U. of Edinburgh, 
	    8 Hope Park Square, Meadow Lane, Edinburgh EH8 9NW, Scotland
	(Bundy should know this person well)

ES as computer consultants;  work on user interfaces
	Phd Student: Ms. Sheila Hughes
	Fac member: Dr. Michael J. Coombs
	At: Computer Lab, U of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX
	(Coombs is a friend of mine; can keep us posted)

ES for engineering design
	Faculty member: Dr. K. J. McCallum
	At: Dept of Ship and Marine Technology, Livingstone Tower,
	    U of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1HX, Scotland

ES applied to CAD (getting VLSI designers to use ESs)
	PhD Student: Ms. V. S. Begg
	At: Dept of Electrical Engineering, Brunel University,
	    Shoreditch Campus, Coopers Hill, Englefield Green, Egham
	    Uxbridge (near London airport)
	    (good choice of topic)

Dr. John Fox, Imperial Cancer Society, London
	A friend, a good speaker, spent lots of time around the US
	working on ES and related psychological research.  Probably
	unrecruitable, but worth keeping in touch with as a "scout".
	Interested in user intefaces, man-machine communication, etc.


ES for biographical retrieval at a deep level
	Faculty member: Gian Piero Zarri
	At: Centre National de la recherche scientifique
	    Laboratoire d'informatique pour les sciences de l'homme
	    54, Boulevard Raspail
	    75270 Paris, CEDEX 06

ES in teaching mathematics (Intelligent CAI)
	Faculty member: Dr. M. O. Cordier
	At: Laboratorie de Recherche en Informatique
	    Batiment 490, Universite Paris-Sud
	    91405 Orsay

Circular reasoning in Production systems
	J. G. Ganascia 
	L.R.I., Bat 490 U. Paris Sud, Orsay
	(this person worked on LITHO; Ed&Penney should know him)


ES used in rural areas, to serve as special ed advisers
	Faculty member: Dr. Marlene Jones Colbourn
	At: Dept of CS, U of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
	(good choice for an ES)